
70000 TONS OF METAL Cruise Recap Part 1

Last week the inaugural 70000 TONS OF METAL cruise sailed from Miami, FL to Cozumel, Mexico and back and featured live performances by forty-two metal bands. was lucky enough to have been able to send four of its contributors on the cruise and here is what they had to say about getting to Miami and the first evening’s performances.

Introduction by Sean Palmerston with live reviews by Adrien Begrand, Albert Mansour, Kevin Stewart-Panko and Sean Palmerston. All photography by Albert Mansour unless listed otherwise.

The Devil’s Blood – The Time of No Time Evermore

What makes The Devil’s Blood successful is its masterful gift for restraint. The band knows how to hold back, painting a partial musical portrait consisting solely of shadows and allowing the listener to infer the details using that most horrifying of artists: the imagination.

Tate Bengston gives us a great review of the latest output from traditional metallers, The Devil’s Blood.

The Atomic Bomb Audition – Roots Into the See

“With a tortured vocal skirting the edge of post-black-metal (by way of Today is the Day), and thick, cloying guitars that crack like ice-breaking anchors, the song is a slow-motion drag under ice-cold waters. It is the sound of hypothermia’s stab ice-picking your brain moments before you calmly accept the inevitability of the drown.”

Kyle Harcott discusses an early contender for 2011’s best of lists, The Atomic Bomb Audition’s “Roots Into the See”