Protokult – No Beer In Heaven

Ah, this album was a pleasure to review. So many albums are a slog to get through, but I was sorry when No Beer In Heaven Ended. Recently I went to see Irish folk-rock legends Hoslips, and I realise that the organic, joyous nature of their music was a delight to listen to – so much metal has become mechanical, spoilt by pro-tools, that to hear music so alive is a great thing, and clearly Protokult drink from the same inspirational well-spring.

I’m reminded a lot of Skyclad too, but Protokult have a strong identity of their own. All the band are excellent musicians and you can hear their joy at playing their music. Ekaterina Pvatlova brings another dimension to the band too; her vocals are nothing you’ve heard in metal before, and I love the touch she brings with the woodwind instruments, something the aforementioned Horslips use to great effect. I love the track “Get Me A Beer” – it could be marketed as a cure for depression. Elsewhere, the contrast between folk and metal works very harmoniously: heavy and uplifting at the same time. Joyous stuff!

The band also have a good sense of humour, and while they can be serious, this is an enjoyable life-affirming album to listen to, which is as it should be. Our lives are brief; we should try and enjoy our spell on this earth! I love the album artwork and presentation too. This is a band the world needs to hear more of.

Highly recommended!

Representation: Asher Media Relations at

Steve Earles is author and co-author of numerous projects, including To End All Wars: The WWI Graphic Anthology, available summer 2014 (