
Eve Of Darkness Book Explores Toronto’s Heavy Metal Scene From 1980-1989

Saturday, September 25th will make the launch of a very important artifact chronicling the history of the heavy metal music scene in the greater Toronto, Ontario area. On that day, UXB Press will be releasing their newest book, entitled Eve Of Darkness: Toronto Metal in the ’80s. This book is a massive, painstakingly put together tome dedicated to the city’s burgeoning heavy scene during its heyday.

Book review – Only Death is Real: An Illustrated History of Hellhammer and Early Celtic Frost 1981–1985

Like many pioneers, Hellhammer took their lumps from everyone, including its own members. They were hobbled by geography and underdeveloped talent, but they built a great mystique around themselves as they toiled to spread their malodorous gospel, only to be sent back to the drawing board after every recording session and demo release. This unlikely but glorious book celebrates their restless existence and enduring influence. It all goes to prove that history—this little slice of history, anyway—is written by the victors.

Rob Hughes reviews the new Hellhammer photo/history book, Only Death Is Real, released recently by Bazillion Points.

Ratt – Infestation

I wasn’t expecting much from this album but am mildly impressed with a lot of the songwriting – full of huge hooks, great guitar work and of course Pearcy’s voice. Ratt brings back the classic sound of the 80s with great songwriting and great guitar solos but still for the most part inject some modern toughness to it. Now if they could just lose some of those cheeseball songs this would of been an absolute monster of an album.